Friday, August 2, 2013

Nazrul went to Sylhet in September !928

Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay was given a warm welcome at Calcutta Institute Hall on 16th Sep 1928 under the presidency of Pramatha Chaudhury . Kazi Narul Islam, Dilip Kumar Roy, Nalinikanta Sarkar and Sahana Devi sung an inaugural song on the occasion.
In the same month Nazrul went to Sylhet which was described by Deoan Muhammad Ajraph, published in Nazrul Academy Patrika, Hemanta-1376. Earlier in the year 1926, he came to Sylhet to attend the session of Congress but due to an attack of Small Pox he could not enjoy at that time. This time he came to Sylhet to attend the conference of Provincial Students Association. A.K. Fazlul Haq and Dr. Muhammad Sahidullah were present in the conference. Nazrul and others were given a warm welcome at the station. Nazrul camer here wearing a peculiar dress. His head was covered with a silken turban with a green coat in his body. He put on   a green "Nikar" (lower garment) made up of Khadi with green leg-guard of Khadi and a black shoe with American toe.
Nazrul became a guest of Muhammad Makbul Hosen, editor of Yugabani.
The conference was held at Girish Chandra High School in the afternoon. Nazrul attended the conference putting on a sky-blue silken Panjabi and a Payjama of Aligarh type. When Nazrul was going to sing the inaugural song, a Moulabi questioned about his performance . At this "Sere Bangla" (A.k.Fazlul Haq) replied "This depends on the will of the singer if he thinks that he wants to please the audience but he is not allowed to sing if he wants to inspire the nation through his songs". Nazrul said, " a cuckoo sings in the spring in his own mind sitting on a branch of a tree, and flies away when he is threatened by a crow. I, too, will sing for my own satisfaction and if I see that I am threatened by  crows, I shall stop singing." The students in the conference asked the Moulabi to take his seat. But when he was going to take his seat, another Moulabi asked Nazrul whether he was used to pray to Allah. Nazrul replied, " this is purely a personal question and  I do not find any reason of asking the question  by any outsider. " Nazrul, then, sung, "Bajlo Kire Bhorer Sanai' and Durgama Giri Kantara Maru" etc.

       On the second day, the conference took place in the morning.  Begum Sirajunnesa, the wife of Abdur Rasid Saheb, took her seat behind a mat-screen but the Begum of Prof Abdul Munim took her her seat openly in the front row along with other Hindu ladies to listen the songs of Nazrul. This incident was an exception in the prevailing customs of traditional Muslims in Sylhet, as a result a meeting was organised to protest against such vehaviour which, of course, abondoned by the opposition of the youth students headed by Deoan Muhammad Ajraph.
On the third day, Nazrul visited an exhibition show of wrestling by the students.
After the conference being over Nazrul had to accept lunch every day from the respectable persons of Sylhet.    

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