In the Hangsadut column a letter written by the ex-revolutionary Barindra Kumar Ghosh was published. Nazrul addressed him as "bhanga banglar ranga yuger adi purohit Sagnik Beer"

" Jago dhumketu Dhangser hetu
Swagata asiba Mahotsab,
Nazrul in his editorial column in 9th issue of Dhumketu said;
This was published in Dhumketu on 15th Sept 1922 in Hangsadut column.
The reactions of Dhumketu was perceived from the comments of the then news papers.Dainik Basumati and Atma Sakti said;
In English daily Amrita Bazar Patrika on 30th Aug, 1922 gave more vivid comments on Nazrul's poem;" We cordially welcome the advent of our new Bengali contempo-
Dhuketu was not only a symbol for destruction, it was also showed some sense of purity and ethics in its poem"Pralayollas" Why you are afraid of noticing destruction ? "
Two friendly papers of Dhumketu , "Prasun" and "Paridarshak" commented on Dhumketu, as also Achinta Kumar Sengupta in Kallol Yug as follows;
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