SaratChandra also sent his blessings towatds the success of Dhumketu. (pic-5).
Nazrul wrote a passionate poem in the first issue of Dhumketu. (Pic-6 & 7) in the editorial column "Sarathir pather khabar", 13 Oct 1922
on the demand of Complete Independence, (pic-8)
on the demand of Complete Independence, (pic-8)

In 1921, in Ahmedabad Congress Moulana Hasarat Mohani

The real name of Maulana was Syed Fazl-ul-Hasan. Hasrat was his pen name which he used in the Urdu poetry and the word Mohani refers to the native place of Mohan where he was born)
Moulana Hasarat placed the demand of Complete Independence in the Ahmedabad Congress in 1921, and faced heavy opposition. He was also convicted in the court and got life-long imprisonment.It could be referred here that in 1929 Lahore Congress Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru placed the demend for Complete Independence. .
Dhumketu not only expressed the demand for Complete Independence , it supported the revolutionaries . The popularity of Dhumketu was comparable with Bijali of Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Atmasakti of Upendranath Mukhopadhyay. Dr. Bhupen Dutta of Jugantar was deported from India, Brahmmabandhab died in the jail and Nazrul got rigorous treatment in jail for publishing Dhumketu.
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