Nazrul and Muzaffar Ahmed left the office building of Muslim Sahitya Samity and changed their abode to at first Marquise Lane and then in the office of Naba Yug at 6, Tarner Streetand lastly to 8A, Tarner Street, a rented house, for their convenience of publication of Naba Yug. But that place also was becoming full with the presence of different persons of poets and litterateurs.
Poet Mohitlal Majumdar (1888-1952) was one who used to come regularly. He was then a teacher of Calcutta High School of Nebutala. He wrote an article in Moslem Bharat saying high of the poem Bidrohi of Nazrul. Oneday Nazrul along with Pabitra Gangopadhyay went to the residence of Mohit Babu at Amhirst Street to see him and they had long discussion on different topics of literature. From that day on , Nazrul became a close associate of Mohit Babu. Mohit expressed his likings and dislikings relating to the other poets and litterateurs. He showed his dislikings about the magazine "Pravasi". Nazrul too did not send any of his writings to Pravasi till he had good relation with Mohitbabu..

At that time there were two groups amongst the litterateurs. One was "Bharatir Adda" assembled at the office of the Bharati, and the other was "Gajendar adda" . In the former one, the poets and other artists and litterateurs used to assemble there were Atul Prasad sen, Dinendranath Thaskur, Abanindranath Thakur, Satyendranath Datta, Charuchandra Bandyopadhyay, Sisir Bhaduri, Hemendra kumar Roy etc, and in the latter the persons used to come were Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, Nirmalendu Lahiri, Abanindranath Thakur, Ostad Karamatullah Khan, Satyendranath Datta, Premankuratirtha, Narendra Dev, Dhurjati Prasad etc. Nazrul used to come in both the Addas. In GajendraChandra Ghosh's Adda at 38 Cornwallis Street Nazrul was introduced with Satyendranath Datta. Pabitra Gangopadhyay described the introduction between the two poets in his book ," Chalaman Jiban". Satyen datta said, " you have brought new wave in the literature. We are insignificant, you have already impressed Gurudev." Nazrul enquired whether he has read any writings of Nazrul. Satyen Datta replied, "to speak you frankly , Gurudev asked me whether I have read any poem of Narul." In his opinion, as Gurudev said, Nazrul was bringing harmony in literaure, a new avenue of cultural coordination.
Nazrul met Rabindranath some times in July/August of 1921 at Jorasanko. As usual, Nazrul appeared before Rabindranath with his common dialogue " De garur ga Dhuiye" astonishing everybody present there.
The two poets became gradually close and closer.
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