" I became a teacher at the age of 23 in this Mathrun English High School. Nazrul was reading in Class VI at that time. The boy was lively and handsome. Whenever I entered in his class to inspect, he bowed down his head before me. I petted him smiling. He was timid but looked upon his headmaster respectfully. At his early age he attracted my attention.His classmates also loved him. But he did not continue his study in this school
. It appeared that he left the school within a year."
The cause of his discontinuation of studies was on financial ground. He was again searching for job. He joined in the team of Music party of Basudev. Here he supplied them with lyrics and sometimes he had to sing songs by biting drums. On hearing his song in the rehearsal of Basudev, a Christian Railway Guard of Andal Branch liked him and put him in a service . His duty was to bring lunch for the guard from Prasadpur and to fetch him from railway station to Prasadpur on foot of a distance of one and half mile through rough unpolished path. Moreover, he had to bring foreign liquor by purchasing from Asansol and to sing before him. Anyway, instead of him, his wife Hirannaprava listened his songs frequently.Later on, the younger brother of the lady, Sailendra Kumar Ghosh became his classmate in Siarsole School.
It was known from the book "Keu bhole, keu bhole na " written by Nazrul's intimate friend Sailajaranjan Mukhopadhyay that he was dismissed from the service for no fault of his own with an advance payment of two month's salary @ Rs.25/-. Narzul left prasadpur not to came back again.
He then took up a job in a "tea and bread" shop in Asansol in that year, i.e. 1911. At that time Nazrul's salary was Re 1/-with food but no shelter. Nazrul passed his night under the staircase of the adjacent twostoried building.The building belonged to the Police inspector Kazi Rafizullah. He became moved, one day, on hearing the play of instrumental music of Nazrul. He came to learn the distress story of Nazrul and employed him for his domestic work. Kazi Rafizullah and his wife Samsunnesa had no children till then. they loved Nazrul and on sympathy they send him to their elder brother Sakhayatullah in his home land for continuing his study.

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